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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Interesting Res prob with PCI as 2nd monitor
Charles   2008-01-07 03:22
I ran into an interesting problem today. We have a presentation tomorrow, and wanted to set up a dual-monitor setup on one of our PCs. It currently has an onboard video, which works fine. We tossed a PCI card in it, to enable dual support, and they both lit up. Sorta.

The onboard, now shows awful resolution, and the PCI is fine. Display properties only show 24bit color, though it looks more like 8 colors. I would've thought, if anything, the little PCI card would have issue, but I'm at a loss for what would cause it. Just lookin for thoughts on it.
7h0m   2008-01-07 18:11
what operating system are you using? have you installed the right drivers for the card?
7h0m   2008-01-07 18:12
so it is the onboard that now is showing poorly, mm.. sorry i read to fast. have you tried fooling around in the bios ;) ?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Interesting Res prob with PCI as 2nd monitor

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