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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switching between 2nd monitors
csocean   2008-01-08 01:46
Does anyone know if there's a nice easy way to swap between 2nd monitors?

I've got a 22" widescreen for my primary, and I want to be able to swap between my old 17" LCD and my TV across the room at the press of as few buttons as possible - going via control panel gets wearing!

Ideally I'd like a shortcut to a batch file, or a registry entry or somesuch...
7h0m   2008-01-08 07:43
please tell us if you are using an ati or nvidia card and xp or vista.
csocean   2008-01-16 21:58
Sorry, I should have included that before! I'm running Vista with a nVidia 8800 from BFG. Thanks!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switching between 2nd monitors

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