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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem Between Widescreen and Standard‏
AP   2008-01-17 05:29
I have a 30" Mac Cinema Display and a 21" Cintiq Tablet/Screen and use them as a multiple monitor setup.

My problem is that the Cinema Display is a widescreen (16:9) and the Cintiq is a Standard (4:3) diaplay. So invirably when the resolutions are set to "extend my desktop" one of the screens has a stretched desktop.

Does Ultramon allow me to fix that problem, as in setup a completely different desktop and resolution for each monitor while still being able to work simultaneously on both.
ecarlson   2008-01-18 16:14
Sounds like you are using span mode, and not Windows regular Extended Desktop mode. In regular Extended Desktop mode, each monitor can be set to it's own resolution. It doesn't require any special software either, Just Windows and the regular drivers for your video card or cards.

- Eric,
anthony miller   2008-01-25 03:18
I've got the same problem. I really haven't a clue how to change this though - I'm using Vista.
AP   2008-01-29 11:02
Got the problem fixed with a work around. You need to set the Cintiq as the "Main Monitor". See the thing is that the lowest resolution monitor should be the primary one.

You can then move the desktop icons onto the second monitor. The only thing, the Taskbar will always be on the Cintiq, not a big issue though. But at least the image doesn't get distorted which is very important.

Hope that helps.
ecarlson   2008-01-30 13:26
You can also move the taskbar wherever you want (top, bottom, left, or right of any monitor). Just right click on it and unlock it, then drag and drop it wherever you want, and then relock it. You can also resize the taskbar when it is unlocked.

Also, I've often had the higher res monitor as primary when using 2 mismatched monitors, and it has never been an issue. It shouldn't matter which monitor is primary.

- Eric,
Justin   2008-06-17 04:11
Actually, I think it happens whenever one of the monitors is a widescreen monitor. I have the same problem--my laptop monitor has a native resolution of 1280x768, but when I connect a second monitor (native resolution of 1024x768), it switches automatically to 1024x768 and becomes all stretched out. I have also been unable to rectify the problem--when I try to switch the widescreen monitor back to 1280x768, it's still stretched out, only I have to move my mouse to the sides of the screen and scroll the desktop around to see everything.

As far as I can tell from reading the features, this issue is not addressed by Ultramon.

Anybody have any solutions?
Mike B   2009-12-06 07:53
Did anybody get this figured out or can help.
Andrej   2011-05-30 19:24
I also need a solution for this.

I have external monitor and notebook which have higher resolution than external monitor.

If I set my monitor as primary my notebook do not stretch background to full monitor.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem Between Widescreen and Standard‏

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