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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> shrink taskbar???
tony   2008-01-18 06:53
Hi All

I have a question that probably goes counter to other questions related to the taskbar.

I want to shrink the XP taskbar. Unlike you lucky guys, I only have one monitor :-( however it is a pretty wide widescreen one. I want to have the taskbar stretch only across half of the screen, preferably across the right half of the screen. Since ultramon can modify the taskbar, I was wondering if it can also modify it in the described way.

If not maybe one has an other idea how to do this.

Thanks Tony
Christian Studer   2008-01-18 11:07
UltraMon can't do this, I'm also not aware of another way to do this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> shrink taskbar???

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