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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI or PCI-E for 2nd video card?
UserX   2008-01-20 16:51
I'm understanding that turning off the 2nd monitor in Windows helps gaming performance. What about getting a 2nd video card for the 2nd monitor to run off of? Will this resolve the issue too?

If this is also the case, then would I be better getting a PCI card or PCI-E. With the PCI-E I was thinking if I could also SLI them together.

Q6600 CPU
DFI LanPary P35 T2R
2GB Dominator DDR2 PC6400
2 x Dell 19" LCD CRT monitors
eVGA 7900 GT OK PCI-E video card
Gene   2008-01-24 09:56
it really depends on how you usae it. if you decide to get a second card, then i would suggest the pci-x because the bandwidth is double then regualr pci, and yes you could sli them so that you wopuld improve your current performance, but then you would still have the same issue you are now. if you want to just have the other monitor while you game then you could go either pci-x (w/o sli) or pci.

i have three monitors and my primary (middle) is plugged into one card and the left and right are plugged into the second card. if i choose to sli (usually i do this when i game then i loose the use of the other monitors. some times i game with out going sli and i can still run the left and right monitors.

if you just want to run the secondary monitor and not worry about sli then save the money and get a regular pci, because with sli you have to have 2 identical graphic cards
Gene   2008-01-24 09:56
sorry about the spelling errors, was in a rush
Phil   2008-01-28 03:33
I was running the following with 2 monitors on a single GPU + UltraMon 2.7.1 x32 with no issues:

HP Media Center (don't have the model handy)
Pentium D (Dual Core) 2.8 GHz
250 Gig HD, 2 Gig PC3200 RAM
BFG nVidia 7600 GTOC
Windows XP SP2, all patches
+ Norton 2008 running in the background
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI or PCI-E for 2nd video card?

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