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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd monitor goes into Powerdown mode
Sepp Spenlinhauer   2008-01-21 03:45
Hoping I can at least figure out what setting where is causing this to happen.

Running Windows XP with Dual DVI Radeon HD2600 Card.
One monitor is the Dell 2405FPW and the other is and the other is a "bastardized" NEC Multisync LCD2080UX+BK.
When I say bastardized, I mean that it is a panel mount unit with a touchscreen on the face, that is simply mounted on an adjustable arm. (Its not pretty, but I'll get a pretty cover for it someday - it was only $150)

But here's the problem, the NEC seems to powerdown after a short while. Even when I am using the computer. I usually only keep outlook on that monitor, so I ignore it for some time.

The screensaver is set to enable after 10 minutes, but I don't think thats it. I have set the "power down monitors" after 30 minutes, but If I am at the computer, it shouldn't be powering down.

Before I setup the multi-monitor setup the NEC was connected to another machine, and it did not power down.

The thing is, both the Radeon and ultramon are newly installed and I am not sure which setting is affecting this.

Any suggestions?

SEpp   2008-01-25 07:59
I figured it out.
Took a while, but it seems that the OSD on the NEC monitor had set the "auto-power-off" feature to 1 hour.
So every hour, the monitor was turning itself off!

Thanks for listening anyway.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd monitor goes into Powerdown mode

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