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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> A pseudo multi-user system using UltraMon?!?
Peter_H   2008-01-26 09:57
I'm attempting to emulate a pseudo multi-user system, where a number of rooms in the house have their own vid/kbd/mouse all running off the one machine. The VDUs would be independent, but the multiple USB mice and keyboards are shared (since there's only one cursor and focus on one machine).

Since playing a video fullscreen uses around 5-10% CPU, I was wanting to be able for the user in each room to be able to independently play their own video, and select the music for their room (Multiple copies of MediaMonkey outputting to different soundcards).

So here's my current plan:
Set up some global hotkeys, so that...
Alt-1: Ultramon switches active monitor to Mon1 (incl Start button & System tray), mouse cursor is moved to Mon1, and cursor is restricted to Mon1.
Alt-2: Ultramon switches active monitor to Mon2 (incl Start button & System tray), mouse cursor is moved to Mon2, and cursor is restricted to Mon2.

The available Hotkeys function only seems to allow 1 action per key, whereas the above needs many actions. So I'm assuming I need to write a few scripts and assign different keys (Alt-1 & Alt-2) to "Run and application or script"?

I'm a newbie to VB scripting so all the help I can get would be greatly appreciated :)

Wellington, New Zealand.
Christian Studer   2008-01-27 08:53
You can't do this via UltraMon, but I would recommend taking a look at multi-user software like BeTwin.

Christian Studer -
Peter_H   2008-01-27 21:31
Thanks Christian.
Never had heard of BeTwin, but looks just the thing :)

Wellington, New Zealand.
Lukas   2008-04-13 23:53
Try rather to use terminal services. (Or rather... cheaper... there is a nice "patch" from Sala for windows xp so 16 cuncerrent clients can connect to one wxp server. :) )

Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> A pseudo multi-user system using UltraMon?!?

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