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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Clone view question
Terry   2008-01-26 18:40
Hello all of you out there! I'm a total newbie at this and of course my english sucks so please bare with me.

I have a HP W2207H monitor where I am using the recommended resolution, which is 1680 x 1050 and I have also got a TFT TV from samsung which is also set at the recommended Resolution which is 1360 x 768.

Now my question is how can i make the two screens make an exact clone of my desktop with nvidias tools/drivers? I have got a Geforce 6800 Ultra and when I try to make a clone view with either the monitor or the TV as primary the other part doesn't seem to make the correct picture/resolution so the desktop is way to big so that it for example goes beyond the TV edges/border.

The bottom line is, that I just want to make a clone view with both my TV/monitor so that I don't have to switch between the to in singel view all the time.

If anyone could help me by giving me a link to some kind of guide or at least give me a name or link to a tool which can make this dream come true, then I would be most greatfull

ecarlson   2008-01-27 08:46
You either have to find a common resolution that performs well with both monitors, if you want to use hardware cloning, or you have to use software cloning, which UltraMon can provide, but which has lower performance. Of course, with software cloning, the image will have to be manipulated by the software to fit on one of the 2 mismatched displays.

- Eric,
drawbak   2008-02-14 07:19
So, I want to mirror my 1280 x 800 cintiq to my main monitor (currently at the max res of 1280 x 1024.)

UltraMon, of course, squishes the image down to fit. If I get a new widescreen, say, 1440 x 900 (also 1.6)main monitor, would that work?

And would my hardware support that?


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Clone view question

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