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M.T._Pockets 2008-01-28 20:10
I had a program starting on my second monitor, after uninstalling of UltraMon I can't ever see this program, how can I get it back!!!
Slackmaster K 2008-01-29 02:13
Depending on what kind of app it is, this will usually work:
1. Make sure it isn't maximized. Right-click its button on the taskbar and click "Restore" if enabled. 2. Click its taskbar button to set focus to that window. Press Alt-Space, M, any arrow key. 3. Without clicking, move the mouse where you want the window. It should be dragged along. 4. Click where you can see to set the window down.
____ My multimon page
Alyssa 2008-03-13 21:36
from the Taskbar Maximize the app. then close it and reopen it. It might now come back to your main screen.
Paul 2008-04-01 03:22
What is the root cause of these kinds of problems? I am having a similar issues where all applications show up "lost", but they still appear in the taskbar.
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