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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Lost application!
M.T._Pockets   2008-01-28 20:10
I had a program starting on my second monitor, after uninstalling of UltraMon I can't ever see this program, how can I get it back!!!
Slackmaster K   2008-01-29 02:13
Depending on what kind of app it is, this will usually work:

1. Make sure it isn't maximized. Right-click its button on the taskbar and click "Restore" if enabled.
2. Click its taskbar button to set focus to that window. Press Alt-Space, M, any arrow key.
3. Without clicking, move the mouse where you want the window. It should be dragged along.
4. Click where you can see to set the window down.

My multimon page
Alyssa   2008-03-13 21:36
from the Taskbar Maximize the app. then close it and reopen it. It might now come back to your main screen.
Paul   2008-04-01 03:22
What is the root cause of these kinds of problems? I am having a similar issues where all applications show up "lost", but they still appear in the taskbar.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Lost application!

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