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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Working on second monitor while primary is full-screen in a game?
PacaPaca   2008-02-01 04:10
Is it possible (from what I've been reading online the answer is no) to play a game in full screen on my primary 24" monitor and use other apps (firefox, email, chatting, etc) on my secondary 19" monitor without minimizing the fullscreen game? Going to windowed mode on the game works, but it looks ugly and performance suffers a bit.

Using an nVidia 7950GT video card. Thanks for any input all!
PacaPaca   2008-02-01 04:14
Nvm discovered after searching that it is not possible

Quoting Cythrelo: "Due to the way DirectX works, there's no way to prevent that. That's something you'll have to bring up with Microsoft. It even happens with their Windows Media Center application, which was very disappointing to me."

Booooo... surprised that no one has figured out a workaround as that would make my multi-monitor experience soooo much better.
PacaPaca   2008-02-01 04:21
Hey I'm just running my own thread here :P...

I did see one suggestion was to run in windowed mode and then run a script to extend the window past the edges of the monitor. Anyone have any more information on this and how to do it?

From Crow: "The only workaround so far has been, to run the game in windowed mode and move the window edges out of the monitor with a script(e.g. -3/-22 for old Win2k appearance). This will make the game look like fullscreen but prevent it from minimizing."
david   2008-02-23 09:37
how do I get 2 different views on 2 monitors run by 1 computer

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Working on second monitor while primary is full-screen in a game?

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