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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Screens don't work
Emanuel   2008-02-20 01:24
Hi I have problem with connecting my third screen;/
I have 'AGP NVidia 6200 FX G-force' dual head ( DVI+VGA)
and now I connected 'Savage 8mb PCI card' I suspect that my system shut down AGP card when it found my PCI savage - now My Vista Ultimate say that NVidia card had internal problem and was shut down so -
I had 2 screens working , I attached third one - now only one display image other two are off

I read that graphic cards shloud have this same chipset so if my AGP use Nvidia I shloud get any Nvidia PCI - but I don't want to spend my money if I'm not sure about that - can you help me please

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David DeRolph   2008-02-26 03:36
"Savage 8mb PCI card". So, you're trying to use a very old card with Windows Vista. I think it's just not going to work. It's just too old.

I had a similar problem; I couldn't get an ATI Xpert 98 card with 8MB of memory to work with Windows XP. Worked fine with Win 98SE on the same computer, but not Win XP.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Screens don't work

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