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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 Display problem
Theo   2008-02-27 04:06
Hi there

I have a client that’s in property sales and I built a pc for him today that should be able to use 6 LCD TV displays. The hardware I bought consists of a Asus P5N-T Deluxe NForce 780i chipset motherboard which has 3 PCI-Express slots and 3 nvidia Ge-Force 8400GS display cards. All the latest drivers and bios updates are installed on a windows XP Pro platform. Windows’s display properties and UltraMon only recognizes 3 “monitors”. Those “monitors” are actually the 3 display cards. I can enable all of them and they work perfectly fine. The current configuration only allows me to clone or horizontally/vertically expand the desktop. I do not have a “Dualview” or extended desktop option to run the slideshows independently on the 6 displays. So the only problem I have is that I need to run a different slideshow on each monitor.

Could you please help me regarding this matter or maybe point me in the right direction?
Rich   2008-03-25 16:32
This is an old post but if you still need help here's a suggestion.

First, the bad news. I'm sure nvidia cards can be made to work on multi-monitor systems but when I tried they never would function correctly. I ended up replacing them with ATI card which have had no problems.

Second, the slide show.
You can use the Ultramon screen saver and windows My Pictures Slideshow. Assign Slideshow to every monitor and check Preview mode. A slide show will run independently on each monitor. You can assign a hotkey to be able to start it immediately.

Downsides...You can only use images from one folder for all slide shows, you can only get random ordered slide shows, sometimes the random slide shows are identical on some monitors.

If you only need to show a group of pictures in any order this should work.

Another thing, I did a very brief test with building a flash multi-monitor slide show. Never made one, just went far enough to see if it was feasible and it looked like it would be.

It would actually be a single flash window with one slide show showing an image for each monitor in one window. The window would then be maximized across all monitors. This would be fully customizable to use to display images as you wished, and if I can figure out how to do it, it shouldn't be that hard a job to build.

Since flash will actually play flash movies inside a flash movie, the slide show for each monitor could be independent of the others and interactive without affecting the other monitors. i.e. a viewer could interact and get information from one screen while the others are still running. This would require input devices that could be locked to a particular screen such as touch screens or any remote control and an application such as Event Ghost.

I would think that for real estate this would be the perfect solution. A slide show of the different properties could play independently on each monitor and when a viewer wanted more information on one they could pick up a remote and view the details and even email themselves copies of the adds.

If your interested I would be willing to check into this further. I've set up a temp email you can reach me at. I'm only going to leave this active for a few weeks.

AndyK1812   2008-03-27 06:42
Have you run NVidia Control Panel to setup dual view for each card. Then you can use Windows display properties to arrange displays.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 Display problem

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