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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gateway e4100 3+ displays
Justin   2008-02-29 01:23
Here is an interesting situation I am seeing and wondering if anyone else has seen anything like this with other systems. System has onboard video, 1 AGP slot and 3 PCI slots. When I have one dual head AGP card (Matrox, Nvidia, does not matter brand) and another dual head PCI card (We only have Matrox for these) the system will not display BIOS or boot information on any of the monitors but once windows loads the systems work fine. If I pull the AGP card out i get bios information off the onboard but windows only regognizes the PCI cards. Obviously if I leave the AGP only in the system it is the only one that displays anything.

Christian Studer   2008-02-29 11:59
I had that as well some time ago, I think it was with an ATI FireMV card. Unfortunately I don't remember if this was an issue with the card or the system BIOS, or just a compatibility issue.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gateway e4100 3+ displays

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