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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> image quality drops using wallpaper over 2 monitors
David Imison   2001-10-21 22:32
Hey all.

Need a bit of advice regarding the loss of image quality I get when I use large (2047x768) 16bit images over 2 monitors. I've found that whether I use UltraMon or Brett Foster's "Multimonitor Spanned Wallpaper") info to do it, the quality of the image drops. If the image is viewed separately in a graphics app on the 2ndry display it looks perfect, but if I use that same graphic as part of the wallpaper, the image quality is crappy on both displays .. as though the colour palette has dropped to 256colours. Both displays are definitely set to 16bit depth. I've tried converting the image (16bit JPG) to a BMP, TGA and PCX iamge of identical size and colour depth but the same prob occurs.

I thought it might've been Windows modifying the image properties slightly during the process of actually opening / viewing the image .. any ideas?

I'm have this really neat Carmen Electra wallpaper, and well .. she just don't look right the way she is ;) Other images also give that 'watered-down' look.

Primary : Geforce DDR (Det 12.83) on IBM P260 (21" Trinitron) @ 1280x1024x16bit(100hz)
Secondary : Diamond Stealth 2000 Pro on crappy Osborne 15" @ 1024x768x16bit(75hz)

Thanks people!
Christian Studer   2001-10-21 22:43
What happens if you set both displays to 32-bit color?

Christian Studer -
Dave Imison   2001-10-23 10:20
this is strange. 32bit works!
i should worked that out myself *shakes head*
With res set at 16bit tho the image looked fine too .. why should setting depth to 32bit change the way the wallpaper image looks?
perhaps i'm overlooking something ..

thanks for the info Christian!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> image quality drops using wallpaper over 2 monitors

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