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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Distant Suns
Wirraway   2008-03-09 11:34
I have set up two monitors on my Pentium4 3.2 Ghz with nVidia GeForce 5700 video card. It works like a charm, including for Flight Simulator 2004, except for Distant Suns. This is an astronomy programme and - while it worked OK immediately prior to hooking up the second monitor - now it will not show the stars. A fatal flaw in an astronomy programme :-( . Everything else shows but just not the stars. This applies equally to the current version, Distant Suns 6, and the previous version that I replaced, version 5.3. Anone have any ideas as to how I can overcome this?
ecarlson   2008-03-14 14:34
Do the stars show when you run it on the other monitor? Does the app have a video overlay setting you can turn off? Have you contacted the company that makes the software for advice?

- Eric,
Wirraway   2008-03-14 16:45
"Do the stars show when you run it on the other monitor?" No.

"Does the app have a video overlay setting you can turn off?" Not that I can find.

"Have you contacted the company that makes the software for advice?" My experience is that they don't reply to queries

I have diconnected one monitor as an experiment and the programme runs OK again. Butwhen I reconnect the second monitor, the stars go out.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Distant Suns

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