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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Start button (Win XP) appears on second monitor?
Toon   2008-03-12 05:16
I recently installed ultramon, and I must say: ITS GREAT.
I have two similar 19" CRT Monitors (Philips 109P) and it works just great. The only problem I have is that there are two user accounts on the PC, and I use "XP Keep Per User Display" to keep different screen resolutions per user account.
Whenever the second user has logged in, and afterwards I log in, the Start button from XP appears on the taskbar on the second display. To get it back to the first (primary) monitor I have to disable my second monitor, or stretch the desktop over the two monitors, and then reset it back to "extend desktop".
Is there another solution for this, because this drives me crazy.
Setting usewr profiles in Ultramon doesn't resolve this problem.
Christian Studer   2008-03-12 11:43
You could drag the main taskbar with the start menu to the other monitor manually, you'll need to unlock it first though if it is locked.

Christian Studer -
brian   2009-11-19 15:49
i have unlocked the toolbar and it still will not move to my left monitor (#3)i just covers the original bar on that screen .......
Christian Studer   2009-11-20 08:27
brian, if you're using version 2 of UltraMon, resetting the Smart Taskbar configuration should fix the problem.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Start button (Win XP) appears on second monitor?

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