Greg 2008-03-25 11:32
AutoCAD 2009 uses quite a bit of the titlebar on both the left and right sides. On the left is the quick access toolbar similar to Office 2007 and on the right are some buttons and a text entry area for accessing online help.
The two UltraMon titlebar buttons are not visible.
Christian Studer 2008-03-25 14:24
Thanks for the bug report, I've been able to reproduce the issue. I'll look into this for the next release.
Christian Studer -
Greg 2008-03-28 05:18
Also on Vista, AutoCAD 2007, when AutoCAD starts up the ultramon titlebar buttons are floating near the top left.
If you move the window or maximize it or un-maximize it then the buttons move to the correct position.
James 2011-06-08 11:20
Has this issue been resloved, I'm not quite sure where to look if it has been as the version of UltraMon was not mention'd...
Christian Studer 2011-06-09 07:22
There was no fix for this, problem is that when UltraMon gets the dimensions of the AutoCAD 2009 title bar, invalid values are returned, UltraMon then treats the window as having no title bar and won't add the buttons.
Christian Studer -
James 2011-06-09 15:56
Al well, thanks for replying. Just made some macros instead works just as good if not better xD
John S. 2011-12-15 23:39
Would you mind sharing your macros? I'm in the same boat and haven't had much time to address it.
Christian Studer 2011-12-16 07:12
John, you can configure Move Window/Maximize to Desktop hotkeys via UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.
Christian Studer -