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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Output of TV card on 2nd monitor
Yoav   2008-03-25 20:45

I have a 2 monitor setup where the TV is connected as #2. If I play movies through wmp or power-dvd for example, the movie is played in full screen on the TV (that's what I want). I have a TV tuner card in the pc, when I use the card's software to play TV in the computer, the output again is displayed full screen on the TV (great so far, are you with me?). NOW, when I use Power-Cinema on the computer and go into TV mode - again, correct behavior - full screen on the TV. HOWEVER, when I move the power-cinema window to the TV (that's where I ultimately need it to be) and go into TV mode - black screen. I cannot see the TV signal. Interestingly enough, when I go into DVD mode I am able to watch the DVD in the TV with no problems.

Wow, that was long. Sorry for that, It's just such a strange behavior. Can anyone help me...?


Yoav   2008-03-26 22:11
Not sure what I did, but everything is working now.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Output of TV card on 2nd monitor

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