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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Save window Positions - Different Question
Alex   2008-03-26 01:51
I use a 22" external monitor at the office and the 14" wide-screen on my laptop at home and while traveling. I don't have a problem with the icons moving (I have them located in positions that don't change when connecting the external monitor), but the window positions for most (not older) programs do change. Does UltraMon help with this problem?

Christian Studer   2008-03-26 12:18
UltraMon can't help with this, for example there's no feature to open an application in the same relative position and with the same relative size on monitors with different resolutions.

Christian Studer -
mhe   2008-11-14 10:52
I just installed ultramon for this very feature, but i guess im outta luck :/

My use would have been for restoring window position when going from tv-out. It's just so anoying to find all positions pushed around when going back to the monitor.

If anyone know of a simple app to save all window positions and just restore them, even a console app, let me know.
Christian Studer   2008-11-15 04:50
You could use the Save/RestoreWndPos scripts for this, as long as the monitor hasn't changed resolution when you want to restore window positions this will work fine.

Christian Studer -
mhe   2008-11-16 03:11
Thanks Christian
That's actually what i was looking for.
And it does work after a resolution change, i guess you meant that you cant restore if you are using a different resolution, wich was not my intention.

But, it don't seem to save/restore some apps, namely pspad, editpad, and all hidden/trayed apps :(

Any ideas why it does'nt store some apps, and could it be done so it saves trayed apps?
Christian Studer   2008-11-16 11:54
Hidden windows, which can include those minimized to the system tray, aren't saved/restored by design, usually it doesn't make sense to do this and might cause problems.

I'm not sure what would cause the problem with EditPad on your system, this works fine for me, I tested on Vista with version 6.4.3. But UltraMon may not be able to restore the position of all applications, for example some applications restrict how their windows can be moved/sized.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Save window Positions - Different Question

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