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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving monitors while running COD 4
OGUBarnie   2008-04-07 04:09
At the weekend i purchased a second monitor, this was so i could view admin tools while in game.
I have been trying now for 3 straight days to find software that will allow me to flick between monitors without then need for minimizing my game screen.
I was delighted to find your software and was sure it would satisfy my needs,however i found that even with the hotkey for switching the cursor to a second monitor the cursor wouldn't switch.
This is in no way a complaint about Ultramon as i have found it's other features a great help and very useful, however can anyone help with my ongoing problem?
Thank you for your brilliant software and in advance for any possible help.
OGUBarnie   2008-04-08 10:20
Come on guys there must be some way of doing this.
Please respond even if its to say that it can't be done.
Christian Studer   2008-04-08 11:49
This won't work, what you could do is run the games in windowed mode if available.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving monitors while running COD 4

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