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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Presentation Slide show - 4 monitors
EzE   2008-04-09 03:54
I have a unique situation and I'm hoping someone can guide me in the right direction. Our office has 3 presentation monitors in our lobby that run slideshows. These are connected to a matrox 450 graphics card in a computer many rooms away. A 4th monitor resides at that computer, which is the main desktop. In order to get a slideshow running on each machine, we currently:

- Open 3 instances of ACDsee (photo slideshow software)
- Start 1 slide show
- Unplug the main monitor and plug in the first presentation monitor (so that the slideshow is now showing in the lobby)
- Plug the main monitor into the second graphics card output and start the second slideshow
- repeat the procedures until all three shows are displaying in the lobby.

I know there must be a better way to do this and maybe ultramon can help. I think my difficulty is that I can't physically see whats happing on the lobby monitors so I need some way of switching between them. I've read a little about using screen saver slide shows on each monitor - is this the route that is best? Any suggestions are appreciated.

Ian   2008-04-09 04:26

denny   2008-04-09 08:08
is each display showing the same show or a diffeent one?

if they are the same you can get a video spliter / repeater to do that... ultramon does have a "move to next" function but I am not sure how that will work for a full screen app.

you could download the eval and try it out.
EzE   2008-04-09 08:53
3 different shows. The system we had was stable, but over the last few weeks it crashes constantly.

Cos   2009-03-27 04:12
Try, is possibly doing everything you want and more.

Cos -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Presentation Slide show - 4 monitors

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