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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 x graphic cards to 4 monitors total config?
Sebastien   2008-04-16 06:01
Hi !

I would like to display 3 monitors (or 4) , with extended desktop maximum possibility to config, full resolution from 4400 to 6000 pixel length.

Purpose is not gaming, professional desktop use, mailboxes, internet navigators, photoshop, office...

When I have a Mother Card 2 x PCI-E on 1 PC ( type P5K asus soket 775), can I connect 2 x asus nvidia 8600 GT silent ddr3 and realize my goal ?

Thank you for your answer :-)

Best regards from Belgium,

Sebastien   2008-04-16 06:13
I have now 3 screens, 1 x 22'' 16/9 on the middel, and 2 x 19'' on each sides. But I can use only 2 because there is only 2 x VGA (or DVI) , so I would like to add a graphic card if possible.
Kev   2008-04-17 01:54
I'm looking into this subject too.
My understanding is that you'll need a quad DVI card such as the Radeon 8750 X2. This will allow you to drive 4 monitors. I didn't think you could stick two graphics cards into a PC and then expect them to drive 4 displays, but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Kev   2008-04-17 01:55
Soz, card should be Radeon 3870 X2.
sebastien   2008-04-17 02:28
Hi !

I think a quad video card is a very luxuous solution, can cost into Europe 650 dollars...

This same cost I can get a top mother board 2 or 3 or 4 x pci-e 16x real (to 8 monitors) + 2 x graphic cards 2 x dvi ;-)

I had some news: it seems pci-e x1 or x4 are not open, but it should be possible to 'cut the top' of them and make them as another pci-e x 16 to accept another pci-e graphic card.

So I would prefer to buy a simple P5K asus if possible, than to invest into older MB 'SLI' type.
But I wouls prefer a confirmation from somone who tested it before to choose this solution.

When you look at galery ultramon, you can check most config are pci simple, or 2 x pci-e 16 real motherboard.
john   2008-05-21 13:40
Use the pci-e 16 slots. Pick up yourself the two 8600gt card and that should easily support up to 4 monitors. No need for a single overpriced 4 head video pci-e card. Actually, 2d work as your suggested doesn't require an expensive 8600 card, you may want to consider 8400's of 3450 by ati....
Thiago   2009-05-01 00:43
Hi, I have a motherboard with 2 x PCIe. And I used with 2 x 9400 GT (not SLI).

I have 3 displays plugged, but two are extended and 1 not. Do you think it would be possible the Ultramon make this 3 displays extended?

Thiago Verta
Christian Studer   2009-05-01 08:13
UltraMon can't help with this, did you already try disabling all 3 monitors via Display Properties?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 x graphic cards to 4 monitors total config?

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