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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming on second monitor, mouse always moves to primary monitor
Andeh   2008-04-17 04:24
This is an unbelievably irritating problem I instantly came across when trying out UltraMon. I am extremely suprised no one else has encountered this yet.

I have 2 monitors setup; on the left is my primary monitor (Belinea 102035W 20" widescreen: 1680x1050)
On the right is my secondary monitor/TV (Samsung LE26R41BA 26" widescreen HDTV: 1280x720)

Im trying to run my games on my secondary monitor using UltraMon, and everything is fine, except that if I move my mouse too far left, it moves back onto my primary monitor. Now at this point, if I click my mouse, it will minimize the game and I end up back to my primary monitor. This means I cannot play any games, because they all have this same problem.

How to I solve this?


Andeh   2008-04-17 04:28
My graphics card is an Asus 8800GTS 512MB with the latest drivers from nVidia

Christian Studer   2008-04-19 09:20
This happens if the game doesn't lock the mouse. UltraMon has a lock mouse hotkey, but only for the primary monitor (UltraMon Options > Hotkeys).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming on second monitor, mouse always moves to primary monitor

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