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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Everything looks right, but...
Jeremy   2001-10-27 16:00
I'm trying to setup dual monitors on my system. My primary display adapter is an NVIDIA GeForce2 MX and the secondary card is an STB (S3)Virge DX/GX 375/385.

When installing the second adapter, I got the error message "The following files cannot be found... s3v.dll, s3v.drv, s3.vxd, 5631_dig.ini, 5631_hwc.ini, 5631_swc.ini" and to look on the Windows ME disk. None of them were on the disk.

I chose "skip file" for all of them. The hadware finished installing and the second monitor displayed the message "If you can read this message Windows has detected your display adapter" etc. etc.

I went to settings in display properties and enabled the second monitor. Nothing happened. As soon as I clicked OK or Apply to close the display dialog box, the second monitor disabled again wihtout ever seeming to work.

The database shows many people using this card and having no problems. What's up with those missing files?

Anyone have any suggestions for me???
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Everything looks right, but...

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