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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> three monitors in vista
ChrisB   2008-04-18 06:59
I have a new HP system running vista home premium sp1. I am trying to get three monitors up and running as I had with XP.

I have a geoforce8500gt that came with the system in the pci-e slot. There are two monitors attached - one via hdmi and the other via a dvi with vga converter. The second card is a geoforce 6200 in the pci slot. (I would have purchased a second 8500 but there is no second pci-e slot.) It has one monitor attached via VGA.

Both cards are running the same driver (confirmed in device manager) but it will not recognize both at the same time. If the PCI card is in, it uses that display as the primary and the other card doesn't show up in device manager. If the PCI card is not in, it uses the 8500 fine with two monitors.

If I change the primary display to PCI-E in bios windows crashes. I tried attaching two monitors to the PCI card in case the primary diplay had to be "full" to recognize the second, but that did no good.

Everything I've read or found so far indicates this setup should work fine, but somethings screwed up. Any and all help appreciated! thanks.
ChrisB   2008-04-18 08:51
update - the last time I changed the bios to use the pci-e as the primary display, it crashed and I got a blue screen with errors. I thought i'd try again and this time, it's worked fine (so far)

between then and now, I installed windows updates including sp1 and updated the bios. not sure what made the difference, but it seems to work now.
Silo   2008-04-25 19:10
Hi ChrisB,
Can you really install a PCI-E card along with a PCI card?? I'm currently using 2 displays connected to a PCI-E card. I'd like to expand to 3 displays.. does this mean i dont need to go buy a new motherboard with crossfire/SLI capabilities??
If so, that's great news for me!
HiltonT   2008-04-26 20:04

I'm running Vista Ultimate x86 SP1 and have a PCIe GeForce 8600GTS card as my main display card with 2 * 22" 1680*1050 DVI displays on it and a PCI GeForce 6500 card as my secondary display card with a single 17" 1280*1024 DVI display on it. The latest GeForce drivers work fine in this mode, "PCIe" chosen as the primary display type in the system BIOS (Intel mainboard).

- HiltonT
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> three monitors in vista

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