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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> x200 Onboard and X1300 PCI-E; 3 Monitors
Doan   2008-04-20 11:13
I have a X1300 PCI Express card and onboard video(from the mobo) X200 Card.

Right now i have the dual display set up.

Will the X200 Onboard allow to set up a 3rd monitor, or does it not support that feature?
Christian Studer   2008-04-21 10:49
As far as I know this works fine with ATI onboard cards, I'm not 100% sure about this though.

Christian Studer -
nmdias   2008-04-22 10:08

Not an ATI user here but, onboard nVidia 6150 for 1st and 3th monitor.

Plain old pci nvidia 6200 for the 2nd (primary) monitor. works fine
john   2008-04-22 15:16
I believe you can't run an on board graphics and pci or pci-e card at the same time. Sorry dude
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> x200 Onboard and X1300 PCI-E; 3 Monitors

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