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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple monitor - resolutions
dclayw   2008-04-23 00:46
I'm buidling a new system and will have triple monitor setup, all LCDs. I have 2 choices.
1. A 19" (1280x1024) as central monitor with a 22" (1680x1050) on each side, or
2. A 24" (1920x1200) as central monitor with a 22" (1680x1050) on each side.

The 2nd option gives more screen real estate and the 24" I'm thinking about getting is a very nice monitor (as main central monitor).

I'm not sure what problems I'm likely to encounter with the different resolutions. With the 1st option the 19" and 22"s are almost physically the same height and have almost the same vertical pixel count (1024 & 1050), so I'm thinking this would be a more suitable configuration.

Then again the vertical resolution on the 24" (1200) is not that different from the 22"s (1050). I'm just concerned about lining the monitors up, wallpapers spanning all 3 monitors etc. etc. This will cost some $s so I want to get it right. (I will be using Ultramon)
Christian Studer   2008-04-25 11:15
This will work fine, but there are a couple of issues:

- if you stretch a single picture across all 3 monitors as your desktop background, parts of the wallpaper will not be visible due to the different resolutions

- when moving the mouse to a secondary monitor, you'll hit a 'wall' where the two monitors aren't touching each other due to the difference in vertical resolution

- when maximizing a window across the desktop, it won't fully cover the monitor with the largest resolution

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple monitor - resolutions

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