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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using Vista Ultimate Issues when unplugging monitor
Kyle   2008-04-27 17:33
I Am running the 32 bit edition of Vista Ultimate on a Vostro 1500 Laptop from Dell and the Beta of Ultramon for Vista that I have purchased. It seems to be glitchy. If I unplug my External Monitor which is a Viewsonic VA2026w after I have turned off my Laptop, when I plug it back in and Ultramon turns on it no longer recognizes my External Monitor as monitor 1. SO I have to go in my Nvidia control panel and switch everything back to normal along with the Screen ratio size. So I am not sure if this is an issue with Nvida and Vista, Ultramon and Nvidia or a combination of all 3. I am using the 8400GS Video Card.

Also I preserve the location of my Icons on the desktop within Ultramon but every once in a while when turning my laptop back on it just swithces them all up and I am not able to restore them to the point I saved them at. I then have to manually go through and switch them all again to the locations I want them in. Almsot liek it just isn't saving the icon locations. But yet it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't?

Anyone have any ideas on these issues and let me know if more info is needed. Thank you for your help.

Kyle   2008-04-27 17:37
Aha a very similar issue to mine : A little different but similar and that is with XP it sounds like. Sounds like this needs to be checked out. Thanks for the help.

Christian Studer   2008-04-28 09:35
The monitor numbering issue is a Windows or video card driver issue.

Regarding the icons: please try if disabling automatic icon positioning fixes the problem, to do this uncheck 'preserve position of desktop icons' under UltraMon Options > General. You can still save/restore icon positions manually via the UltraMon menu.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using Vista Ultimate Issues when unplugging monitor

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