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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Mpeg2 videos stretched across 3 screens.
LittleScooby   2008-04-29 15:09
I have successfully done this on one system with a tri-panel, but not another system with different specs, both are very nice workstations.

I'm noticing that some mpeg2 codecs seem to allow this tri-panel stretching of videos with VideoSaver, and some mpeg2 codes do not.

How do I determine which do versus which don't?

I guess I am looking for a way to determine which mpeg2 codec videosaver uses.

The only detection software I know if is called GSpot, but it doesn't tell me which mpeg2 codec VideoSaver is using.
Christian Studer   2008-04-30 11:11
VideoSaver uses the default MPEG2 codec, should be the same one used by Windows Media Player.

The following could prevent the video from getting stretched across all monitors:

- the codec doesn't support multiple instances

- the codec requires a video overlay, but overlays are not available on all monitors

Christian Studer -
LittleScooby   2008-04-30 12:42
Yeah, I seem to have noticed this. When I install 1 mpeg2 codec, Windows media player plays video's rather choppy on this one workstation, and of course, it figures, that the mpeg2 codec I have that plays the videos choppy, is the same one that has slow and choppy performance while stretching across 3 screens.

When I then remove that Mpeg2 codec and default to the regular windows Mpeg2 codec, the video playback is perfectly fast, but then doesn't strecth across 3 screens. VideoPlayer errors out.

So, it sounds like so far, I have tested only 2 mpeg2 codes, the default windows one, and another one located here:

And one thing I noticed, is the free one I d/led is very old (2000 to 2002). Perhaps it is too old, and I should try a different one?

Do you happen to know about how many different mpeg2 codecs exist?

Sounds like I need to find the right one that will allow me to stretch an mpeg2 across all 3 screens without performance drops.

On the 1 machine I have, I am able to use this older mpeg2 codec just fine.

I'll also have to look in to the overlay option. I looked on the cards drivers but couldnt find that option. I'll have to double check.
Christian Studer   2008-05-01 11:47
The MPEG2 codec from Elecard might be worth a try.

MPEG2 codecs also get installed together with DVD players like WinDVD, etc.

Christian Studer -
LittleScooby   2008-05-01 16:35

Yeah, I tried that one, was too choppy for me with 3 screens:

Elecard MPEG-2 Video Decoder file: ver. 1.1.4586.5065 = 3 screens but too choppy.

Ligos MPEG Video Decoder file: ver. = 3 screens but too choppy.

The above are the 2 I tried on 1 system. Those 2 codeces both allow stretching the videos with VideoSaver but the performance is very very choppy.

If I use another codec, one that doesnt allow stretching, I can play the same video on all 3 screens at once, but it is 3 screens of the same videos playing on each one, instead of one video being stretched on all the screens.

I wish I could tell which mpeg2 codec I was using on the system with the tri-panel that gets great performance is using, but MS video decoder checkup program doesn't show which codec is being used until you hit the Select Preferred codec button.

I notice that MainConcept codec is installed on the good sytsem. I wonder if that one is the right one. Tried installing it on the other tri-panel but it didn't install correctly.

I'm trying to compile a list of which mpeg2 codes allow stretching onto 3 screens. So far I have confirmed the 2 above. I can see this may turn into a long drawn out process, but it is a learning experience.

I need better tools than Gspot and MS Vid Decoder Checkup Util.
Christian Studer   2008-05-02 12:21
I'm not aware of a tool which shows the default MPEG2 codec, let me know if you find something.

Christian Studer -
Vinnie   2009-06-27 10:09
Try Final Codecs 2008
This program gives you control over most codecs
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Mpeg2 videos stretched across 3 screens.

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