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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to get 3 displays running on an AGP system?
Fredrik   2008-05-02 08:11
I thought the obvious answer to that question would be to purchase a PCI-card for the third monitor. But that does not work, at least not with ATI. The drivers doesn't support it. I've tried with two different PCI cards, and same issues with both: Drivers for the PCI-card won't be installed correctly. ATI won't help me, they say AGP + PCI card is not supported.

So does anyone have a suggestion on what i should do?

I have an ATI X1950 Pro AGP-card with 2x DVI, and have one more monitor i need to hook up.
Andy McMaster   2008-05-02 10:24
Stick a non-ATI card in? I used to run an AGP nvidia and a matrox PCI. Currently have a 7600GSand a TNT2 card which works fine in Linux but not in Windows! I've had problems with same make card but GPUs which require different driver versions - don't know if that is your problem?

Fredrik   2008-05-04 00:04
X1950 and HD2400 uses same drivers, but still drivers are not working correctly. 100% cpu usage when stuff is moving on the PCI-display. And for some reason the entire computer locks up with black screens if i OpenGL is used for anything on any monitor.

The Radeon 7000 used it's own seperate drivers, but when installing those, it appearantly overwrites all drivers. I got the display installed, but performance was still horrible.

None of these cards will work at all on Vista. Windows just reboots after installing drivers.

But you are sure it will work OK if i put a Nvidia card in? And is it possible to install only the drivers, without all the rest of the bloatware/control panel that usually comes with these drivers?

Does anyone have experience with ATI + Nvidia in same PC?
Max   2008-05-06 02:45
Matrox has a solution to a triple monitor splitter, called "Triple head 2go". That works fine for everything.
Fredrik   2008-05-07 09:20
The matrox device is too expensive i think.

I've already wasted $130 on two PCI cards that didn't work.

So if anyone can confirm that it will work ok with a nvidia PCI-card together with a ATI AGP-card, i think i can find a cheap PCI-card.
john   2008-05-21 13:47
I have an ATI agp 9250 and an ATI pci 7000 and have no issues. It shoud work on XP o/s but it definitely won't w/ vista.
john   2008-05-21 13:48
wait it will work w/ vista...same bad
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to get 3 displays running on an AGP system?

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