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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HDTV for Multimonitor ???
Patso   2008-05-04 06:34
Hi! I have two 17" monitors set up with my laptop, but I hate the 1.5" gap in between them because of the frame and would like to make it seamless...

My old TV crap out on me the other day, so I looked into buying a new one. I bought a Sharp Aquos 46" Full HD and realised it can be used as a monitor with a VGA or HDMI input...

So I was thinking, I havn't tried it yet, I should be able to open many different pages, lets say 4 as in exemple. Then resize them manually and put them side by each, seamless without a gap, so that those 4 different windows cover the whole 46" screen?

My question is: is there a program that exist that would be able to manage openning multiple windows like that into my big 46" monitor, so that I won't have to manually resize them each time, that would do that automatically and place them into each 4 corners etc... Hope my explantion is clear enough!! Any thouhts on that. Thanks.

ECarlson   2008-05-04 10:06
Sure, there are lots of programs to divide up a screen, and if you have an Nvidia card, the NVidia software already has that feature. Keep in mind that your 46" screen is lower res than a 17" LCD, so you'll see less detail on the 4 pieces of the 46" screen than you would if you divided a 17" LCD into 4 pieces, so you won't be able to display much in each of those 4 pieces.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HDTV for Multimonitor ???

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