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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> FYI: Live Mesh
Jeff C   2008-05-05 02:26
Just an FYI for anyone out there using UltraMon and Microsoft Live Mesh. I installed Live Mesh about 4-5 days ago. Everything was fine until today when I noticed that UltraMon was no longer extending the task bar across both of my monitors. I went to check my UltraMon settings to see if they got reset somehow and found that instead of my normal 2 monitors my system actually things I have 3 now! I now have a 3rd disabled monitor called "(Default Monitor) on Live Mesh Remote Desktop Curtain Driver". In addition it didn't get numbered as the 3rd monitor on my system it instead became the 2nd monitor and bumped what used to be my 2nd monitor to be my 3rd monitor. Once I saw this I realized that Ultramon was probably happily extending the task bar onto this 2nd disabled monitor. (Well if it wasn't disabled anyway.) So I just went into UltraMon and told it to extend the task bar onto my "3rd" monitor and everything was fine.

Love live Ultramon!

- Jeff
Jeff C   2008-05-05 03:32
"things I have" = "thinks I have"
"Love live Ultramon" = "Long live UltraMon"...but I love it too.

- Jeff
Murray   2008-06-06 12:58
I had the same issue, I told UltraMon to ignore the mesh monitor and everything has been fine so far (except that mesh doesn't handle multiple monitors very well).
Jarrod   2010-04-11 20:25
Thanks very much for the info. Was wondering where the taskbar had been for the last few days. Didn't even think of mesh until I used it on the weekend, came back to work and my second monitor was gone.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> FYI: Live Mesh

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