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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dialog boxes "at the crack" of a spanned desktop.
Jopower   2008-05-12 07:24
On a dual monitor system with a spanned desktop, all my dialog boxes show at the junction of the monitors, "at the crack", with the left half of the box on the right edge of the left screen and the other half at the left edge of the right screen. Normally this would be the center of the desktop on a single monitor setup. To read clearly and respond to them easily I have to slide them to one side or the other. It's very annoying and time consuming over a day.

I run sophisticated video and audio software (Sony's Vegas for instance) that requires a large spanned setup (2 x 1920 wide) to work with productions. The dialog boxes also appear "at the crack" when I'm using these programs.

Switching back and forth between a spanned and dual desktop would be also annoying, so don't suggest that. I just want the dialog box to appear to one side or the other of the center (hence away from "the crack"), preferably on the left screen. What can I do that will stay fixed?

"Godzilla kicks buss!"
Michael   2008-05-12 12:44
I'm less than a day into my spanned monitor configuration and this is already annoying me - in particular I'd like to know how to stop the "alt+tab" switching box from appearing in the "crack". Thanks.

ECarlson   2008-05-12 13:01
I only use Extended Desktop, so I don't have that issue, but I think some of the video card software, like NVidia's software might have settings to prevent the dialogs from appearing in the center of the span. You could also opt for one of the Matrox triple monitor span solutions, so the center of the span would be on the middle monitor.

I'm guessing your app needs to display the video spanned across both monitors, otherwise I wouldn't see a reason for requiring span mode, since in extended desktop mode I would think you could do something like have the video on one monitor, and all the tools on the other, or something like that.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dialog boxes "at the crack" of a spanned desktop.

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