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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using Ultramon with DualHead2Go?
wrybread   2008-05-16 18:20
I just bought a Matrox Dualhead2Go, and I need its two monitors to show up as two distinct monitors. In other words, I need the main laptop monitor to show up in Windows display properties as monitor 1, the 2nd monitor to be monitor 2, and the 3rd to be monitor 3.

Out of the box, DualHead2Go makes monitors 2 and 3 show up as one wide single monitor.

From searching this forum I see there's a utility by Matrox called Divider, which is here:

However this utility isn't downloadable on their site (as far as I can tell), and didn't come with my 2analog model.

Does anyone know where I can find it?

Or does anyone know if this is possible using Ultramon?

Thanks for any help.
Christian Studer   2008-05-17 09:12
UltraMon doesn't support the Dual/TripleHead2Go.

Christian Studer -
wrybread   2008-05-18 07:01
Is there some other way to get separate monitors using the dualhead2go?
Christian Studer   2008-05-18 14:24
I don't think so, but one thing you could try is SplitView, this will at least let you split the monitors for window management (move/maximize).

Christian Studer -
Fasteddie   2008-09-15 15:47
Is there a way to get a smart taskbar using the Matrox Triple Head? I have just purchased the thing and I am now really miss the smart taskbar on my third monitor..... Help!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using Ultramon with DualHead2Go?

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