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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing Icon DPI size for HDTV
Brock   2008-05-18 16:13
I can't seem to find a way to do this but I think it might be possible with this software.

I basically want to keep the normal icon/font size on my primary monitor, and change the icon/font size on my secondary 1080p HDTV, since they can be very hard to make-out.

I'd like to do this while keeping everything else the same. I just simply want to be able to see stuff better on the HDTV when I move a window or icon over there.
Christian Studer   2008-05-19 14:08
As far as I know that's not possible, UltraMon also can't help with this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing Icon DPI size for HDTV

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