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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Display Photo on Monitor 1 or 2 based on Photo Orientation
erpguy   2008-05-20 07:41
I have a dual monitor setup, both widescreens, one Landscape and the other Portrait.

When browsing through Photos, it would be ideal to have the Portrait oriented Photos display on the Portrait Monitor & Landscape Photos on the Landscape Monitor.

I suspect this could be accomplished by reading the EXIF data in the photo for orientation, or dimensions, then sending the display to the appropriate monitor based on this data.

Does anyone know of a way (software or otherwise) to accomplish this?

Christian Studer   2008-05-24 11:59
This would be possible, but I'm not aware of any image viewer which does this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Display Photo on Monitor 1 or 2 based on Photo Orientation

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