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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I have 4 monitors, 1 PCI slot, 1 AGP slot, Windows XP - what to do?
Neo   2008-06-01 23:00
My current dual-head graphics card has just overheated, and now I want to use 4 monitors. I have a free PCI slot and a free AGP slot. It is for general 2D and 3D use. I want it to be high performance, but don't wanna be spending $$$'s. I've considered going for a single quad-head AGP card such as the Matrox QID or Matrox G450x4 MMS, but these seem very overly-priced compared to two dual-head graphics cards (1x PCI and 1x AGP).

Any advice on what to go for would be greatly appreciated.

David DeRolph   2008-06-02 03:13
Would help to know how much you can spend for this. But, for a PCI card, you might grab this one while the rebate offer is available:

For an AGP card, you might go with this:
John   2008-06-02 08:33
I have a Radeon 9250(AGP) and Radeon 7000(PCI) and both work fine and supporting 4 Lcd's w/ different resolutions.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I have 4 monitors, 1 PCI slot, 1 AGP slot, Windows XP - what to do?

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