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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote Desktop multiple monitors
Tom   2008-06-04 11:58
Does anyone know if the current UltraMon (version 3.0.2) can handle a multiple monitor machine remoting into a machine also with multiple monitors? I have 2 monitors at home and when I remote into my work PC which also has 2 monitors it doesn't come across quite right. When I do this, my work PC appears as 1 large monitor at 2560 x 1024 instead of 2 monitors at 1280 x 1024. I already own UltraMon so was hoping the feature was there but I had missed it. I did find another product that looks like it might work, but I would like to use my current subscription to UltraMon.

The interresting example I found is here:

ecarlson   2008-06-05 05:35
I believe you'll have to use the solution suggested in the link you posted. Remote Desktop creates a virtual desktop, and doesn't really care what displays the remote computer has.

Radmin 3.x directly accesses the actual desktop on the remote computer, and can handle multiple monitors on the remote computer, so it might work more like you are expecting, though the link you posted sounds like a good solution.

Are you using the Remote Desktop client with the /span switch to get it to span your 2 local monitors, or do you have your local monitors configures in Span mode instead of the regular Extended Desktop mode?

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote Desktop multiple monitors

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