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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Only primary monitor allows preview mode off: 2nd screensaver looks crappy
Frank   2008-06-22 01:19
I'm trying to get 2 different screensavers to run on my two monitors. One monitor runs in 1680x1050 and the other in 1024x768.

The problem I have is that the 2nd monitor; i.e. the non-primary one always has preview-mode on; because of this the sreensaver on that monitor always looks blocky and crappy. Is there a way to turn preview mode off for both monitors? Note that the screensavers are separate .scr files, and it doesn't matter which monitor is the primary one: the seconday always looks crap.

Any help would be great. Tnx a lot.
Christian Studer   2008-06-22 12:46
This option can't be disabled, UltraMon uses the screen saver's preview mode to run it on the secondary monitor.

But the screen saver's preview mode is not always identical to the actual screen saver mode, in this case you would need to assign the screen saver to the primary monitor and use something else for the secondary monitor, unfortunately there is no workaround for this.

Christian Studer -
Frank   2008-06-23 02:33
So if I'm correct, it's just inherent to the type of screensaver that makes it 'misbehave' in preview mode; another type/brand/whatever, made in a different environment, might not have this problem and look perfectly fine, even in preview mode?

Another question then: what is this mode for anyways?
Christian Studer   2008-06-23 10:54
That is correct, for example the screen savers included with Windows have a preview mode which is identical to the regular screensave mode.

The preview mode is normally used when displaying a preview of the screen saver under Control Panel > Display > Screen Saver.

Christian Studer -
Frank   2008-06-24 01:57
I understa; Guess I'll use an XP saver for that one then. Any tips though on programs that create 'proper' screensavers? I use Easy Screensaver Studio, but perhaps there are better ones out there that do work in preview mode.
Christian Studer   2008-06-24 13:08
Unfortunately I can't give you any recommendations, I'm not familiar with screen saver generators.

Christian Studer -
Frank   2008-06-24 17:52
Allright, well thanx for all the help; I'll figure out the rest myself ;)
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Only primary monitor allows preview mode off: 2nd screensaver looks crappy

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