Rob 2008-06-30 05:18
I know very little about scripting and was wondering if someone could help me with using the LaunchApp script. If I edit the script file with notepad where do I insert the application path and monitor number? Can I then save the file and run the script by double-clicking it?
Christian Studer 2008-06-30 08:03
It would probably be easier to configure custom position settings for the application's shortcut, LaunchApp is intended to be used from batch files, it takes the application file name and monitor number as command line arguments.
To configure position settings for a shortcut, right-click it, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab.
Christian Studer -
Rob 2008-07-01 01:53
I tried that but it didn't work for JRMediaCenter ( when trying to open on a specified monitor. Instead it always opens on monitor it was closed on. I was hoping there might be another way.
Christian Studer 2008-07-01 11:26
Were you able to configure custom settings, or did the shortcut not have the UltraMon - Window tab?
If the tab was present, UltraMon may just not be able to position the application, this can happen for several reasons.
Christian Studer -
Rob 2008-07-02 00:26
I was able to see the Ultrmon tabs in properties. Under the Ultramon - Window tab I checked "use custom settings", selected "on monitor" and selected Monitor 2 from the pull-down menu.
I double-clicked the shortcut and it opened on the wrong monitor. I dragged it to the correct monitor and closed it. When I re-opened it it opened on the correct monitor. It seems to be ignoring the properties settings and opening on the last monitor instead.
Is there anything else I could try? I'm using the trial version of Ultramon and would purchase if I could get this working and also would like to recommend it to others in the JRMC forum.
Christian Studer 2008-07-02 11:46
I have now tested with JRMediaCenter, the problem is that the application uses a non-standard main window. UltraMon does eventually move the window, but it takes about 20 seconds (UltraMon thinks the window is a splash screen and waits for the main application window).
Christian Studer -
Chris 2009-07-26 06:16
Can anyone answer the origional question on how to edit the script as i am strugling with it aswell. Many thanks,