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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Differet wallpaperd on different monitors
Hans L   2008-07-11 06:35

Is it possible, with UltraMon, to have different wallpapers on different monitors?

If not, is there any other way?


Hans L
Hans L   2008-07-11 09:05
Ok, I found out that you can have different wallpaper on different computer, but how?

I have created a "new Profile", which I call "Windows XP", because I want to use at least 2 images from the Windows XP standard wallpapers. I just don't know where they are! If you know where they are, I guess you can import them by clicking Browse in the UltraMon Desktop window. Or ...?

Thanks in advance,

Hans L
Christian Studer   2008-07-12 11:45
The standard XP wallpaper images are located in C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2008-07-13 03:06
Thank you very much, Christian.

Hans L
Hans L   2008-07-13 09:32
Christina, I now have three different profiles, with "XP Autumn", "XP Azul" and "XP Pease", respectively. I click on "a different background for each monitor" and change the monitor (I have 3) to try to put a different profile image in each. No luck. I can only set the wallpaper image in one of the monitors.

What am I doing wrong?

Oh, and I do not get the entire screen covered by the image.


Hans L
Christian Studer   2008-07-13 12:51
To assign a different image to each monitor, first select the monitor whose image you want to change, then click on Browse to select an image. Repeat this for each monitor.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2008-07-13 14:26
Okay, got it now. And I streched, which made them cover the entire screen (which could have been called "Entire screen" :-).

Thank you!

Hans L
Tanner   2008-08-08 07:21
"To assign a different image to each monitor, first select the monitor whose image you want to change, then click on Browse to select an image. Repeat this for each monitor.

Christian Studer -"

Where is this that we are selecting the monitor in? My ultramon program does not give me that option.
Christian Studer   2008-08-08 08:19
To configure wallpaper settings, right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray (the area of the taskbar with the clock) and select Wallpaper from the menu.

Christian Studer -
fphredd   2009-10-13 01:26
I am only able to apply a custom wallpaper to monitor 1. When I choose monitor 2, it still shows only on monitor 1.
Christian Studer   2009-10-13 07:30
After selecting monitor 2, click on Browse to select an image for monitor 2.

Christian Studer -
fphredd   2009-10-13 13:40
That worked...thanks!

Now, is there any way to have no wallpaper (or blank/solid black) on monitor 1 and a picture on monitor 2? That doesn't seem to work the same way.
Christian Studer   2009-10-14 10:00
This will work fine, just clear the image field, then double-click the color field above the image field to select a different background color for the monitor.

Christian Studer -
José Antonio Orozco   2011-12-29 17:49
I have 2 monitors, but I can´t setup a diferent image for each monitor. I select monitor 1>image for monitor 1, then same steps for monitor 2, the images for each monitor are displayed in the setup windows of UltraMon software, but they don´t show in the monitors after I close the setup windows, they only show the color I select. Thanks in advance.
Christian Studer   2011-12-30 08:17
Please send me your wallpaper profile to, wallpaper profiles are located in the folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Wallpapers (C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Wallpapers if you're on Windows XP).

If you don't see the folder, go to Control Panel > Folder Options, select the View tab, then change the Hidden Files and Folders setting.

Christian Studer -
José Antonio Orozco   2012-01-14 21:29
Hi Christian I think I found part of the solution to the problem, but I found an another: Considering that the operating system installed on the PC I have is in Spanish, I modified the first line of the script that I download and install ReloadWallpaper2 from your web page, to be as follows: "Const UMDESKTOP_EXE ="% Archivosdeprograma% \ UltraMon \ UltraMonDesktop.exe "instead of the original line that was " Const UMDESKTOP_EXE = "% programfiles% \ UltraMon \ UltraMonDesktop.exe". And in line 2, as you indicated to me I modified "Const DELAY = 5 'number of seconds to wait Before reloading the wallpaper" for the value to 5. But now when I restart the PC it seems that if it detects the script, but I immediately sends the error message: " C:\Documents and settings\All Users, Windows\Menú inicio\Programas\Inicio\ReloadWallpaper2.vbs, línea 18. Carácter 1, Error el sistema no puede hallar el archivo especificado, Código 80070002, origen (nul)", which translates into English would be:" C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users, Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup \ ReloadWallpaper2. vbs, line 18. Character 1, Error the system cannot find the specified file, code 80070002, source (null) "in all possible ways to help me as help many Spanish-speaking users solve the problem , I send you the folder where I place the script in Spanish and translated into English to see if it's okay Spanish " C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Menú Inicio\Programas\Inicio ". English "C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users.WINDOWS \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup ". As with the script modified as a file attachment (English and Spanish) in the above terms.
Once again many thanks
Christian Studer   2012-01-15 02:35
Just leave the first line as is, %ProgramFiles% is a so-called environment variable and will get replaced with the actual path to the program files folder on your system, independent of the language of the operating system.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Differet wallpaperd on different monitors

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