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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Is vista the problem?
JOhn   2008-07-14 13:12
Every so often my video cards switch the identity of my monitors around. I have 2 HD 2600pro's and i'm using 2 dvi ports on 1st card and 1 dvi the 2nd card. Sometimes the 1st card swtiches the identity of the ports which switches all my desktop icons, gadgets, and start bar. It a real pain in the ass and I wan to know if anyone can help me out!!
JOhn   2008-07-14 13:49
So is it my video cards or vista??
Peter   2008-07-17 01:24

Since 9 months I have been using Windows Vista Premium 64bit, grforce 8600 with 2 monitors (1 dvi for every monitor) and I never had such a problem, no even once. So the things to blame cound be:

1) Ati Driver (try updating it)
2) Windows problem when connection 2 monitors with 3 dvi ports

JOhn   2008-07-17 15:22
It happens all the time....2-3x today alone. Everytime i go into standby or shut down I have to re-adjust the
john   2008-07-19 01:17
Downloaded a driver but it blurred 2 of my screens so I uninstalled it...guess i'll just have to deal w/ this on a daily basis
John   2008-07-20 00:59
I re-installed ATI far it seems to be working this time. It's the 2nd time i re-installed's just weird
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Is vista the problem?

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