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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop w/expansion system or Desktop?
Mark   2008-07-21 14:39
So, I am looking to design a flexible and extensible multi-monitor system for a home office but I am having a hard time deciding between using a laptop with expansion hardware to drive multiple large monitors (ala Cinemassive (, or Digital Tiger's "SideCar" or buying a desktop system with multiple slots for video cards.

I have used a laptop to drive multiple monitors before using a PCMCIA card (Margi) but found the performance to be poor.

My number 1 requirement is PERFORMANCE - I don't want to have a computer that is driving 4 monitors but my work experience is slow as a result.

Will the laptop with expansion hardware be just as fast as a desktop with multiple video cards?

The other reason to avoid using a desktop is to save money - I already have a laptop and I figure I could just plug in the expansion hardware, buy more monitors, and be done with it!

Any experience, opinions, suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
GSW   2008-07-22 02:41
Your laptop (or any laptop) will not be as fast as a Desktop with multiple video cards. I would work backwords from "how many displays do you need". The sidecard PCMCIA (PCI) is slow, PCMCIA (PCIe) is better, but the thru put will not be as fast as a USB2 video extender, which will not be as fast as a desktop with PCIe cards. Start with Monitors, how many do you need, Type of applications running (Gaming, coding, trading etc). Desktop computers all have Quad Core processors which laptops do not have yet…
Mark   2008-07-23 17:29
Thanks GSW

Ok, Desktop PC ... should I buy one of these systems "specially" designed for multiple monitors like you see on these sites:

among others...

What makes these special for multiple monitors other than fast CPU, RAM, multiple video cards pre-installed and room for more?

I am out of date with the latest in PC systems - do I care about the bus technology?
What sort of video cards should i be looking for and how much VRAM is the minimum?

Crow   2008-07-25 20:40
Well, whether to buy a complete system or to build one yourself depends on you. Are you up to the task and can you decide correctly which components you need for the performance you want.

In my experience most prebuild systems have either a weak spot or are pretty expansive compared to custom build PCs. So I usually build my systems myself.

To give an advice concerning the components you should include is pretty hard, as we don't know which applications you are using, which performance you need and how much money you are willing to spend.
Ben   2008-07-28 21:55
Hi Mark,

did you already try a Matrox GXM?

E.g. a TripleHead2Go Digital Edition would give you the flexibility to drive two or three additional displays with top performance (no lags).

Mark   2008-08-06 16:40

Really no performance lag? How does it connect, via USB?

Ben   2008-08-06 19:14
Hi Mark,

no, it will take the complete Dual-Link-DVI- or VGA-output and split it into 2 or 3 pieces, see
=> no lag

The 3D-or video-performance depends on your system, because everything is already & final rendered when it goes into the GXM-box.

Of course a strong GPU (GF8xxx class and up) and a Dual-Link-DVIoutput would give you the best results; you can see if your GPU is on the list

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop w/expansion system or Desktop?

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