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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Horizontal Span in Vista -- is it possible?
dave   2008-07-22 18:17
Hey guys,

I'm trying to keep the start bar on monitor 1, but move the system tray to monitor 2. Is this possible? I seem to remember that it was in XP. I'm currently using Vista Ultimate 64bit.

Here's a screenshot of what I want:

Christian Studer   2008-07-23 10:14
UltraMon can't do this, but your video card driver might. But as far as I know only Matrox has drivers which can do this under Vista.

Christian Studer -
dave   2008-07-23 16:37
Is there any plans to implement this feature in the future?
Christian Studer   2008-07-24 10:52
This needs to be done via the display driver, UltraMon can't do this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Horizontal Span in Vista -- is it possible?

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