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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Taskbar drops to bottom screen when screen orientation is stacked.
Charles   2008-07-23 02:50
Running Windows XP on a laptop with an external LCD connected. Physical setup is with the laptop sitting below the LCD. I have setup the orientation within windows so that the displays are stacked, the external is primary and on top and the laptop is secondary and on the bottom. I want the taskbar to remain on the primary top screen, but after a reboot it always drops to the 2nd screen. Any way to resolve this?

Charles   2008-08-06 01:11
Has anyone setup multiple monitors where one monitor is on top of the other and the taskbar is set to the top monitor?

ecarlson   2008-08-11 13:33
I haven't tried that configuration.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Taskbar drops to bottom screen when screen orientation is stacked.

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