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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> running 16:9 with 16:10 in native resolution on each ?
john snakenburg   2008-07-25 06:24
I have a large 16:9 display ( 46 inches ) on the wall for a student CAD lab. On the same PC, I have a much smaller 16:10 display ( 24 inches ) that I view at the same time. I want to have the same image on each display, but with no distortion. Video card is GF 8600 GT with dual DVI output. I've never been able to do this no matter what I try. NOTE: I'm not talking about spanning the display, or cloning the display. I simply want to be able to have the 46 at 16:9 and the 24 at 16:10 with everything shown cleanly on both displays .. no black bars, no need to scroll the display. Can Ultramon do this ?

Christian Studer   2008-07-25 11:54
Not with the current version, UltraMon will distort the mirror image. This should no longer be an issue with the new version of mirroring which will be in 3.0 Beta 3.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> running 16:9 with 16:10 in native resolution on each ?

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