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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two of my twelve screens do not work
Tariq   2008-07-25 22:08
I have tested the monitor, cables, splitter, even replaced the quad card but still connection numbers 3 and 4 of the 3rd quad card to not operate.

ecarlson   2008-07-26 14:09
Is this with UltraMon? If not, try UltraMon.

- Eric,
Rich   2008-08-06 18:58
I could be mistaken here but I think I read somewhere that XP will only do up to ten monitors.
ecarlson   2008-08-11 13:32
Yes, true without UltraMon or some other program to access the monitors beyond #10.

- Eric,
Joey   2009-02-10 04:45
How do you activate monitors past number 10 i have 3 quad cards and 12 monitors hooked up and 1-10 work perfect but i cannot see any options to make 11 and 12 work
Slackmaster K   2009-02-11 05:53
Does your device manager report any problems with the adapter? Can it even see it? Have you upgraded your drivers?

Are you using Vista? If so, when Aero is enabled all non-WDDM adapters are disabled. You might try turning Aero off.

Joey   2009-02-12 01:12
In device manager i can see the three quad cards and looking by connection i can see 4 monitors connected there are no errors with the cards.
Joey   2009-02-12 01:13
I am running xp
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two of my twelve screens do not work

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