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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Remote Desktop Issue?
Dan   2008-07-29 00:12
If you remote into my PC using Microsoft Remote Desktop, I think when the OS tries to push all the programs over to the primary monitor, UltraMon tries to move them in it’s own way (under Compatibility). When that happens, my system locks up. The only thing I see when I get back to my desk is the BSOD, with text something to the effect of "Your video driver has become unstable. It was running in an infinite loop"

My workaround (so far it has worked), is to just tell Remote Desktop to open using a window of appropriate size, i.e.:
Mstsc /w:2560 /h:1024

This still scales down to the window size of the PC that I am on (a single monitor 1280*1024(I think)), but my desktop does not lock up.

Is there anything that you can suggest that I should pay careful attention to, or try to capture as data for you to try to help in figuring out what the smoking gun is?

Thanks! Great program! I am trying to get my company to purchase a copy for my desktop at work.
Christian Studer   2008-07-29 09:37
Sounds like a video card driver issue, my guess would be that this isn't related to UltraMon. To verify this, check if you still have the problem without UltraMon running or installed.

I also haven't seen this issue myself so far.

Christian Studer -
Matthew   2008-08-12 02:20
I also notice odd behavior when logging into my pc with remote desktop, it doesn't freeze but it takes about 2-3 minutes to reposition all the windows into the 1 screen. Although i think this might have more to do with windows behavior than ultramon. I'll try and verify this, but it is really annoying, pretty sure it's a windows problem. I'm running 3 monitors and windows vista business 32bit edition.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Remote Desktop Issue?

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