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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Right mouse click
Tom   2008-08-01 23:39
On my secondary monitor taskbar, the right mouse button function (to close, minimize etc) doesn't work. Is this common / is there a fix?

(sorry for double post - in mm forum)
Christian Studer   2008-08-02 12:52
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

This works fine for me, I get the regular menu when right-clicking a task button and can minimize/restore the window, etc. I tested on 64-bit Vista with UltraMon 3.0.2.

Christian Studer -
Tom   2008-08-02 23:38
2.7.1 on Windows XP
Tom   2008-08-02 23:41
It seems to only happen when I've got multiple excel workbooks open on the 2nd monitor, and it just affects the excel tabs, not others. using office 2007.
Christian Studer   2008-08-03 09:58
I have now tested on XP with UltraMon 2.7.1 and Excel 2007, but so far haven't been able to reproduce this issue.

With 2 or 3 open spreadsheets, right-clicking the spreadsheet's task button on the UltraMon taskbar brought up the regular menu, and close, minimize, restore etc. worked fine.

Let me know if there's anything else I should do to reproduce the issue.

One thing you could try is to disable the UltraMon menu commands for Excel, you can do this via UltraMon Options > Window Menu.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Right mouse click

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