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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Button fly off bar
Logman   2008-08-09 18:13

I tried the extra download pack for the different coloured buttons. Since then when I drag a window the two extra buttons (switch to other monitor and stretch) fly off the titlebar and lag behind as the window is dragged. Not happy with that, can I roll back to the original setup somehow?

Logman   2008-08-09 18:16
My apologies for putting this in the wrong sub forum, hadn't previously noticed that there was more than one section.
Christian Studer   2008-08-10 11:59
Seems unlikely that this would be related, but you could just delete the buttons, they should be under C:\Program Files\UltraMon\Window Buttons.

If you're using UltraMon 3: support for Olive Green and Silver is built in, the custom window buttons will be ignored.

Christian Studer -
Logman   2008-08-10 12:28
Thanks for moving the post :). Fair enough, maybe it was like that before but I only noticed it recently. Do the buttons normally drag an inch or so behind when you drag the windows? I don't remember that happening when I first got Ultramon. Damn, I even got a screenshot, which wasn't easy let me tell you and I can't post the image lol.
Christian Studer   2008-08-11 10:19
This can happen with UltraMon 3.0.1 and later, due to the window buttons being handled differently.

I'll look into this for the next release, but am not sure yet if this can be prevented completely.

Christian Studer -
Logman   2008-08-11 13:57
Can I roll back my version to what I had originally ie the standard download. I only changed it so that I could get one of the wallpaper scripts- I wasn't having problems. But I'd rather have the buttons like they were and just make do with whatever wallpaper script I can use....
Christian Studer   2008-08-12 10:46
That's no problem, you can just uninstall the new version, then reinstall the previous version.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Button fly off bar

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